A collection of 10 animated digital creatures — each a medley of nostalgic references, evoking the plastic forms of our favourite childhood toys to create a family of endearing digital misfits.
by Zhemin in collaboration with Dissrup & 33nft
Digital NFTs
1226 Digital Items
'Curious Creatures' — Breakdown.
Vellum simulation experiment in Houdini & Cinema 4D.Each character was animated to reflect their imagined personality.
The Forgotten Critters
Each of the Curious Creature collectibles was the result of extensive trial and error, and multiple iterations of many different designs. Recurring elements can be found across early characters, including: the slides worn by some of the bipedal creatures; recurring cartoonish eye motifs; and highly saturated colour palettes.
Below is a selection of friendly oddities that didn’t quite make the cut. Some became the inspiration for other creatures, and others have been put in the vault for future projects.
Original Curious Creatures concept sketches